The $1 Billion Dollar Emerald Specimen

The $1 Billion Dollar Emerald Specimen

At $400 million dollars, the 840 lb. Bahia Emerald is the current record holder for the most expensive emerald in the world. But we believe a new contender has taken that throne.

Standing at 4.5 feet tall, this 800 lb. this cluster of green gems was discovered at the Carnaiba Mine in northern Brazil.

Although this specimen was unearthed back in April 2017, it was just posted for sale on September 18th, 2017. But instead selling it at a gemstone auction or show, the seller posted a for sale ad in the Facebook classified section. Who knows if it will fetch the $1 billion asking price, regardless, this hunk of rare rock is something to marvel at.

Click here to view the sale ad.

Screenshot in case the ad has been taken down.


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