Amethyst earrings

The semiprecious violet gemstone, Amethyst, is well-known as the February birthstone. Also called the “Couple’s Stone” and associated with faithful love, Amethyst is the stone of St. Valentine.

Nicknamed a “Gem of Fire,” it was popular in ancient cultures throughout history: The Egyptians used it for jewelry, the Romans made intaglio engravings by carving designs into the back of the Amethyst gemstone pendants, and medieval European soldiers wore Amethyst amulets for protection in battle. Amethyst adorned the breastplate of the Jewish High Priest, and Christian Bishops still wear rings with the “Bishop’s Stone” even today. Since the Greeks believed that the presence of an Amethyst prevented intoxication, they studded their goblets with the purple stone and named it “Amethyst,” which means “without drunkenness” or “not intoxicated.” Amethyst also typically symbolizes humility, sincerity, and wisdom, and it is purported to relieve headaches.

Typical shades of purple within Amethysts vary in depth from violet-red to violet-blue with hues of lilac, lavender, mauve, or hyacinth. Some Amethysts, when cut conventionally, will even display flashes of red. To maintain the deep color of your Amethyst silver jewelry, store each piece separately and avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Amethyst is found all over the world. One of the largest deposits of Amethyst is located in Zambia, southern Africa, and the largest Amethyst vein in the world is in Lower Austria. Amethyst also comes from Russia, South Korea, India, and numerous places throughout the United States and Canada. Thunder Bay, Ontario hosts the largest Amethyst mine in North America. Amethyst is the official gemstone of South Carolina.

Amethyst is traditionally paired with silver in jewelry. The skilled artisans of Ana Silver Co. use pure 925 Sterling Silver to bring out the dazzling beauty of one-of-a-kind Amethyst silver pendants, Amethyst silver earrings, and Amethyst silver rings. Shop our online store today!

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